Adventures in Decluttering

Oh my goodness, I can't even tell you how excited I am to be emailing you today.

For several weeks I've been slowly and methodically decluttering my art studio.

I started by dumping ALL my art supply drawers onto the floor.

I don't recommend the "emptying everything" technique, if this is your first time decluttering. Instead start with one drawer at a time so you're not dealing with a mess for weeks.

I've trashed, donated, and sold several items as I've progressed.


I didn't wait until the end to remove items.

For example: As I filled a box or bag, I took a break and immediately placed it out of my house and into my car.

Inspiring Colorful Displays

As I went through the process, I took the time to create inspiring colorful displays. This tricked my brain into keeping myself inspired & motivated to keep going.

Why didn't I think of displaying my colorful supplies earlier? Its so pretty!

note: Last image: the orange sticky notes helps me keep track of what's inside the newly re-organized drawers. At the end, they will get new labels.

colored pencil display
washi tape display
wip organizing drawers

Decluttering: The ripple effect outside my art space

CLOTHES & SHOES: It may come as a surprise to you (as it did me) that my adventures in decluttering has inspired me to not only declutter my art studio but I also went through my closet and donated items I no longer wear or is not my style any longer.

SOCIAL MEDIA: I removed FB & IG apps from my phone. 🤯

I still have access to social media on my desktop computer (in the studio) but its very limited.

When I'm done in the studio for the day, I'm done with social media. Not judging social media habits, I simply find it depresses me more than it inspires me. The great news is I don't miss it at all.

WEBSITE: The biggest shocker for me though, is later today (after I send this newsletter) I'll be taking down my existing website.

Don't worry though, I will still have an online presence, it just won't be a dedicated website for now.

Decluttering Goals

Newsletter priority - My decluttering goals were to simplify my life and conserve my energy for what I really want to be doing each week, which in part, is focusing my attention on my newsletter subscribers and sharing fun creative tidbits with YOU.

Journaling - Also continuing my daily journaling practice. Now that I've set up a dedicated journaling area, it has made journaling easier and more delightful.

Recording videos - My journaling area will also be the place I plan my activities and record "talking head" type videos. ITS ALL SET UP!! Yay!

Local art scene - Another creative goal this year is getting involved with the local art scene and growing as an artist.

By working through my decluttering process, I have created space and energy to bring in these new adventures.

A friend and I attended our first HIVE meeting last night to discuss upcoming First Friday art shows.

I also chatted with a local gallery owner about filling in at the her gallery occasionally.

I'm also meeting up with 3 other local artists tomorrow. Its similar to a mini mastermind group where we're sharing and getting feedback on projects we're working on.

How fun is that, right?

How does my decluttering affect you?

Since going through this decluttering process and removing unnecessary distractions, I have more energy to more effectively plan content, write newsletters, make art, sell art, create videos and share tips, all while enjoying the process along the way.

I look forward to sharing more helpful organizing decluttering tips with you. I know some of my tips (including pdf downloads) will really benefit your decluttering process too.

I won't be relying on social media to sell my new art. My focus will be on selling directly to my newsletter subscribers and local venues.

Speaking of which...

🥳 destash sale🥳

I'm reserving a stash of art supplies and tools that I want to offer to you. I will share details with you in a future email, after I finish up my decluttering process.

I love knowing that some of my items will be going to good homes. ♥

Bye for now,

Its been so nice to catch up with you! Thank you for reading this far.

Know that you are always welcome to email me, just hit the respond button and I'll reply or email me directly at

I love hearing from you. Engaged readers are the best. So don't be shy in sharing, or popping into my inbox to say hello. I love it.

I hope this email inspires you to do a little decluttering yourself. If you do, I'd love to hear about it.

148 Wild Rose Drive, Canon City, CO 81212
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